27 April 2009

laughable humans

So I just spent the last few days and nights in beyond gorgeous Guilin area. I took too many photos, as always. Once I purchased this digital camera I know I can crop and edit. This seems like I would take fewer pictures knowing I can alter the ones I do indeed take. However, the purchase if the camera has had the opposite effect and thus my computer's memory is being eaten much like the fruit in The Hungry Caterpillar.

My travel companions and I stayed 4 kilometers outside of the nearby town in a renovated farmhouse. It was brilliant because we were literally a few minutes’ walk from the river and had an un interrupted view of the limestone mountains that have made the area famous. They are the heart beat of the area and much resembles a pulse on a heart rate monitor. By night 3 we had all taken tons of pics of the surrounding beats and yet when me and another girl went for a late night walk, the scenery became a whole new creature.

The shades of black and grey had a bluish undertone. The stars were visible for the first time since I have left the States. The frogs filled the expanse with their croaking. I just had to laugh. As the mountains swelled with pride, mine shrunk. I felt like a true human, completely small and just one piece of His entire creation. As smart as we humans are we still cannot capture the awe and grandeur of the One and what He has made. We may make cameras and other various forms of recording devices but there is no way to capture all that was smelled, heard, sensed, felt, and seen on that short walk through the countryside of China. And for that I am truly grateful. It makes me appreciate the true value that this life has and the treasures that will only ever be held between my spirit and this feeble mind.

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